¿Will be Santos the Tower at the Cuban Chess?

Posted: July 27, 2011 in Public Opinion
¿Will be Santos the Tower at the Cuban Chess?

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The Cuban Government considers that the next possession of a nationalist leader will be Ollanta Humala as president of Peru as an example of the continuous example of the “advance of the progress forces” in the region, said the vice-president of the island, Jose Ramon Machado Ventura. “Continues the advance of the progress forces, example will be the possession on July 28th of Ollanta Humala(…) who has a nationalist program of more equality on the distribution of poverty”. Pointed Machado Ventura on the central speech for the National´s Rebel Day, that was celebrated in the island [1].

The Colombian Government, through its Vice-president, threatened the international investors with taking them to the international justice if they didn’t folded the demands of the syndicates, tacit speech made from the Government towards the silence of the President, surely for being part of the progress force that talks about the Cuban regime and that corresponds to the pointed positions at the Sao Paulo´s Forum.

Consider a chess board with only one tower on it. With the legal movements of the tower (forward and backwards but not diagonal), which will be the number of movements that the tower will need in order to pass through all the squares of the board and turning back to its original position? Consider the initial box that you might think convenient. To this is what our President is betting on, surely convinced on the probable existence on a third way that was proclaimed his social democratic nature.

Precisely what confuse the Colombians is the fact that the political thesis that were defeated on the elections will become government premises, but that obeys to the political conception from the current president, was elected by the uribists in just for defeating them, from the candidate posture he announced that on his government he wouldn’t be Uribist or Anti Uribist, nor liberal or conservative, but a “Third Way”. The concept alludes to an economic alternative vision, between the neoliberals and a strong intervention from the State, what is celebrated by the communism, the “progress” reality as a virtue of Latin America, as example the communist China and its empowerment as economic power couldn’t be better.

The third way [2] error that Santos Proclaims, is that it concludes on the elevation of the social expectative that ends generating bigger conflicts. For Santos the, Third Way “is a pragmatic proposal that takes the best of the liberal or conservative governments (that go for the free market), but at the edge of the ideologies”, explained the ex leader from the liberal party Rodrigo Rivera, who was manager of the Santos Campaign and today´s Defense Minister [3].

On the development of the proposal for a third way our president is not including the Sao Paulo´s Forum, which without a doubt goes against the principles or mandates that the Colombian people gave him by electing him.

Santos didn’t presented his thesis of a third way for being elected. He didn’t made gala or at least in a formal way of his social democratic mood at the moment of captivating the votes, the 9 million Colombians that represented Uribe Velez and that chose him; once in the power he attended the minorities to take the “National Unity” and impose to the 9 million Colombians that didn’t chose a different government program that he presented at the time of the election.

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